23 August 2008

Selection of Senator Biden

It's not like I was going to vote for Obama anyway, but his selection of a pro-choice Catholic is quite offensive. Politics always brings up the issue of how can you be both Catholic and pro-choice? The answer is that you can't! Catholicism is about embracing the life that God has given us, belief that Jesus died for our sins and sits at His right hand. As Catholics we are called to not only worship God but to produce offspring, who will be raised in the faith. We are taught to love all of God's creatures, regardless of what form they appear in (ie human or baby). In today's society we have to fight hard against the evilness that is abortion. Some who call themselves Cathoics just don't see it. They can't separate the women's rights argument from abortion. These are two different issues here.

As a woman, I am all for women's rights. I am for women seeking higher educations, seeking jobs that were only once held by men (except priests), becoming more prominent figures in society, receiving the same pay as men. I am for women being allowed to have the same priveledges men have. I am for women having the right to decide when they want to have a baby, keeping in mind that they use abstinence as means of protecting themselves before they are ready to raise a child. I am NOT for women having the right to decide whether their baby lives or dies. This is in the hands of God. There should be no choice when it comes to life. If you are pregnant, you need to accept that you are bringing a baby into this world. Any action to prevent that is murder.

Abortion is not something to joke about as Obama did with the pay grade comment. Obama continues to poke fun at abortion by taking a Catholic pro abortion running mate. His sense of humor is deplorable.

Now onto Mr. Biden. I believe the selection had mostly to do with his foreign policies (interestingly enough, Biden was for the Iraq war). However, I think Obama is mistaken when he thinks that this selection is catering to the Irish Catholics. Any Catholic who votes for the Obama-Biden ticket is voting for misrepresentation of the Catholic faith. This is huge. Biden will become a bigger figure. People will see that he's Catholic and that he is pro-choice and they will think that is what Catholics stand for. Those who are weak in the faith may be swayed to the dark side. Biden could go down as one of the biggest heretics in American history.

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