18 August 2008

It's not really that hard of a question.......

....but it sure caused an awful lot of stuttering. Here is the question followed by the text of Obama's answer (all caught on video Saturday night here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRZX_ndZN-g&feature=related)

Q: At what point does a baby get human rights in your view?Obama's answer: (sigh) Well...uh..I-I-I think that....whetherrrrrrr you're looking at it from a theological perspective or.....uh a scientific perspective uhm....answering that question with specificity uhhmm.....you know is is um above my pay grade. Um but but but-but-but-but let me s-- let me just speak more generally about the issue of abortion, uh cause this is something I ohh-obviously the country wrestles with. One thing that I'm absolutely convinced of is that.....there is a moral and ethical element to this issue. Ehh-ah and so I-eh think that anybody who tries to deNY the moral difficulties and gravity of the abortion issue I think is-is not paying attention. So-so-so-so that'd be point number one. But point number two uh-eh I am I am pro choice. I believe in Roe vs. Wade and uh eh come to that conclusion not because I am pro abortion, but because.....ultimately I don't think women (shaking head) make these decisions casually. I think they eh eh they wrestle with these things in profound ways in consultation with their pastors or their uhm uh spouses or their their doctors and their family members. And s-s-so, f-for mE the goal right now should be, and this is where I think we can find common ground, and by the way, I've now inserted this into the democratic party platform, is how do we reduce the number of abortions?--Be-cause the fact is is that uh although we've had a president who is opposed to abortion over the last eight years, abortions have not gone down. And and and that I think that's something we ask....

(trails off.......Interupted by the following question: Have you ever voted to limit or reduce abortions?) Well the-the I am infavor for example uh-f [nice turning an uhm into the word of] limits on late term abortions. If there is an exception for the mother's health. Now from the perspective of those who uh, you know, are pr-pro life, I think they would consider that inadequate. And I respect their views, I mean one of the things that I've always said is is that on this particular issue uhm yeh if-f you believe that life begins at conception then uh and you are consistent in that belief.....blah blah blah
My answer: I make around $20,000 a year, yet I do not think that question is above my pay grade. Actually as a biologist I find that to be one of these easiest questions to answer (if only they would ask me this on my prelims lol). It is obvious that upon conception, or the fertilization of the egg with sperm which triggers cells to divide and initiate a human life, a human life is being formed. Therefore the answer to the question of when a baby should get human rights, has to be at the moment of conception. That wasn't too diffcult. Maybe I should run for president. Or maybe someone should pay Paris Hilton to answer the question in another internet ad. That would be hysterical.

For such a great orator, Barack sure had a tough time answering that question without stuttering. The guy has never met a run-on sentence he doesn't like. Goodness. The easiest way to get the man flustered is to ask him about protecting the rights of those who are at the mercy of their mothers.

Barack claims that under Bush, a pro-life prez, the number of abortions has not gone down. And he claims this as a fact! On the contraire, Mr Obama, abortions are among the lowest levels since the induction of every liberal's favorite ruling: Roe v. Wade.

Obama also claims that he is "in favor of limits on late term abortions." The choice of wording here indicates that he is trying to convince people who don't read into it that he is actually opposed to late term abortions. However instead of using strong words to indicate his opposition, he uses the term "limit." This indicates to me that he is still down with late term abortions and still intends to carry out his promise of reversing Bush's legislation on partial birth abortions. Sorry Barry you don't fool me. I can only hope that most of the voting public also doesn't subscribe to your rhetoric and evil ways.


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