13 December 2005

Tookie Williams Executed

Tookie Williams was executed early this morning and I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it. I am pro-life, meaning I think both abortion and the death penalty are wrong, however I feel like this is an unusual case. Mr. Williams was the founder of the Crips, which is one of the most dangerous gangs in Los Angelos. His execution makes a huge statement even though he has been behind bars for 30 years. Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger declined granting Mr. Williams clemency yesterday.

While Mr. Williams was not a good man, I still find the death penalty deplorable. Who are we to judge whether someone should live or die? Matters like this are in God's hands already. God is aware that the accused may have made judgements about other persons lives, but our justice system should not be functioning to execute murderers. I felt the same way when Timothy McViegh and Michael Ross were executed the past year. If you really want to make someone suffer, make them do it behind bars with no chance of ever seeing the outside world.

Now, the democrats, who are largely right in criticizing the death penalty, made a poor case for Mr. Williams. They said that Mr. Williams has been rehabilitated and has even wrote childrens books! Wow. Not only that but Mr. Williams now opposes gang life. Oh really? If he had really been rehabilitated, he would have issued an apology to the victims families or at least turned in fellow Crips members. Instead, he claimed he was no snitch.

While the democrats may have talked about all the positives surrounding Mr. Williams prison term, they neglected to say anything about all the horrible things he did while he was in prison. Like the time he threw chemicals at another inmate, or how about the times he sexually assualted other inmates. Surely these aren't the actions of one who has been "rehabilitated." Because of this and Mr. Williams neglectance to "snitch" on other Crips members, I believe the governor's decision was probably right.

I do, by the way, support an execution of Saddam. That's it.



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4:04 AM  

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