15 September 2008


Now this is a story all about how
Tan Tom's life got turned upside down
So I'd like to take a minute just sittin right there
I'll tell you how he became the coach of a team not to be feared.

In Milwaukee Wisconsin hired and praised
Coachin the Warriors is where he spent most of his days
Chillin out maxin and relaxin all cool
And while coachin some kids at Al Mcguire's school.
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Showed up wearing IU sweaters in his neighborhood
He got one little memo and as you can tell
Was lured from paradise straight into hell.

He whistled for a limo and when it came near
The liscense plate said "Indiana"
And had a Psi on the mirror
If anything he can say that this limo was grand
But he thought nah forget it, yo home to hoosierland.

He pulled into Bloomington hailed as a savior
And yelled to the limo driver "Yo homie text ya later"
Looked at the cornfields and was finally there
To coach "Its INdiana...It's Indiana" to further dispair.

Wrote this back in April the second Friday after Crean ditched MU for IU. Wrote it in about 10 minutes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.

3:49 AM  

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