13 December 2005

Tookie Williams Executed

Tookie Williams was executed early this morning and I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it. I am pro-life, meaning I think both abortion and the death penalty are wrong, however I feel like this is an unusual case. Mr. Williams was the founder of the Crips, which is one of the most dangerous gangs in Los Angelos. His execution makes a huge statement even though he has been behind bars for 30 years. Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger declined granting Mr. Williams clemency yesterday.

While Mr. Williams was not a good man, I still find the death penalty deplorable. Who are we to judge whether someone should live or die? Matters like this are in God's hands already. God is aware that the accused may have made judgements about other persons lives, but our justice system should not be functioning to execute murderers. I felt the same way when Timothy McViegh and Michael Ross were executed the past year. If you really want to make someone suffer, make them do it behind bars with no chance of ever seeing the outside world.

Now, the democrats, who are largely right in criticizing the death penalty, made a poor case for Mr. Williams. They said that Mr. Williams has been rehabilitated and has even wrote childrens books! Wow. Not only that but Mr. Williams now opposes gang life. Oh really? If he had really been rehabilitated, he would have issued an apology to the victims families or at least turned in fellow Crips members. Instead, he claimed he was no snitch.

While the democrats may have talked about all the positives surrounding Mr. Williams prison term, they neglected to say anything about all the horrible things he did while he was in prison. Like the time he threw chemicals at another inmate, or how about the times he sexually assualted other inmates. Surely these aren't the actions of one who has been "rehabilitated." Because of this and Mr. Williams neglectance to "snitch" on other Crips members, I believe the governor's decision was probably right.

I do, by the way, support an execution of Saddam. That's it.


10 December 2005

Marquette Loses to Wisconsin 77-63

Marquette lost to in-state rivals, Wisconsin today at Madison. The final score was 77-63 in favor of Bucky. The game was a mirror image of the one in Milwaukee last year which saw Marquette win. This year Marquette kept it close in the first half before allowing Wisconsin to go on a run before halftime. The Golden Eagles were never able to rebound from that run, however they played hard. It's awfully tough to defeat a quality opponent like Wisconsin when you also have to defeat the refs. Both Jerel McNeal and Dan Fitzgerald fouled out, but the fouls on Jerel were mostly questionable. Ed Hightower and Tim Higgins were two of the refs who called the game and they are notoriously anti-Marquette. What a combination. The first half was officiated pretty fairly, but things got down right ugly in the second half. Fouls were only being called on one end of the floor.

Aside from the seemingly large margin of defeat, there are many bright spots for this young Marquette team. Dominic James is spectacular. He's becoming a great floor general and even accepted blame for the outcome of the game, claiming he did not communicate as well as he needed to. Freshmen Wes Matthews and Jerel McNeal played well, but McNeal fouled out midway through the second half. If McNeal had stayed in the game longer, who knows. Sophomore Ryan Amoroso continues to make a case for him starting. He must continue to rebound and play more solid defense.

Wisconsin also looks like a great young team. I wish Landry was playing for Marquette. Kam Taylor is one great player they have there, and Ray Nixon played his heart out. Marquette was able to shut down Tucker, and it must have been encouraging for Badger Nation to see the other guys step it up and fill in for him. I can't say enough about Taylor. Now that we have our annual grudge match over, I wish Wisconsin nothing but good luck and I hope they win the Big Ten. On Wisconsin, and RING OUT AHOYA!

By the way, Wisconsin has a lot of hot bball players. I don't think any of them were ugly, which is unusual.

Kerry: Our Troops are Terrorizing Women and Children

John Kerry appeared yesterday on the CBS talking-head show, "Face The Nation", to discuss the war in Iraq with Bob Schieffer. Just as in his speeches on the Viet Nam War, Kerry has slipped into deep Left-speak in an attempt to gain national traction for his pose as a party leader. In fact, in language reminiscent of his infamous "Genghis Khan" speech before the Senate in April 1971, he yesterday referred to American soldiers as terrorists -- and then suggested that we leave terrorism to the new Iraqi army.

From page 3-4 of the CBS transcript:

SCHIEFFER: All right. Let me shift to another point of view, and it comes from another Democrat, Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. He takes a very different view. He says basically we should stay the course because, he says, real progress is being made. He said this is a war between 27 million Iraqis who want freedom and 10,000 terrorists. He says we're in a watershed transformation. What about that?

KERRY: Let me--I--first of all, there is so much more that unites Democrats than divides us. And Democrats have much more in common with each other than they do with George Bush's policy right now. Now Joe Lieberman, I believe, also voted for the resolution which said the president needs to make more clear what he's doing and set out benchmarks, and that the policy hasn't been working. We all believe him when you say, `Stay the course.' That's the president's policy, which hasn't been changing, which is a policy of failure. I don't agree with that. But I think what we need to do is recognize what we all agree on, which is you've got to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment. You've got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis. And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not...


Sen. KERRY: ...Iraqis should be doing that. And after all of these two and a half years, with all of the talk of 210,000 people trained, there just is no excuse for not transferring more of that authority.

The surprising thing about this is that Kerry himself was a terrorist to women and children in Vietnam, yet he accuses our troops of doing the same. Sorry Kerry, our men and women in uniform are not as stupid as you are. I wonder how often in the past year Kerry has been in Iraq. I would think he must be there at least once a month to make bold comments such as the above. This is only further proof that America did the right thing in selecting George Bush to a second term. Like him or not, at least he's not as spiteful, hateful, and repulsive as senator Kerry. The only reason he remains a senator is because he comes from M-ASS-a-chusetts which is so liberal I want to die every time I venture across the state border. If Kerry was the Senator in even Connecticut, everyone would be calling for his head and the only votes he would get in the next election would be from mental patients.

The Democrats need to answer for this outrage. Is it really the party position that American soldiers terrorize Iraqi civilians? Do they want the Iraqis to do it instead of us? Kerry has unmasked himself and his fellow anti-war zealots for the hypocrites they are.